dating tips

Dating is very important when you are interested in someone and planning to move ahead in relations. Dating gives all idea what you are and you both are compatible with each other or not. But many times guys make few blunders which turn-off their dates and later no more dates are fixed.


If you are going on first date then do remember few things which will help you for a long term relationship with your date. Here are tips for first date:

Reach on Time:

Many boys think that it’s cool to make your date wait so she will be more desperate while meeting. This thinking is really rubbish, no one likes to wait especially if you are on first date. Once you are late, you first impression is down thus make sure that you reach on time and it would be great if you can pick her from her place.

Be Gentlemen:

Girls like boys who respect them. Be polite to her, open door for her, pull chair for her, if you really feel that she is good in something or looking good then give her compliment but make sure it’s genuine. Girls can understand when you are faking and when you are really praising. Give a call after reaching home, all these things will make her feel special.

 Listen to her:

Dating is for knowing each other properly and enjoying. No one likes to listen whole night, it better to have good conversation. Tell about yourself in brief and also listen to her. Ask her about her interests, hobbies etc.
 Be Yourself:

This is most important to remember. Just be yourself, never use tricks on your first date. Girls are smart enough to know your true self. Even if you get success to impress her with stupid tricks on first date then also all those tricks won’t work in long term.

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